Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Detik Emas Permata Hatiku

Detik Itu

  • 2.96 kg
  • 31 days - stop bf
  • 1-2 bulan - 3 oz, smiles, angkat kepala, tenung orang
  • 2 bulan - playing with his hands, smiles, laughs, can bear weight on legs
  • 3 bulan - 5 oz, squeals, gurgle, coos, blow bubbles, rolls over
  • 4 month - Coos when u talk to him, grasp a toy, start spinning around
  • 5 bulan - start crawling, solid foods, playing with hands n feet, recognizes his name, sits with support, mouths objects
  • 6 bulan - Cut 1st tooth, raya pertama Mifzal
  • 7 bulan - sits w/o support, bangs objects
  • 8 bulan - 6 oz, Ba ba chak, peek-a-boo
  • 9 bulan - Stands while holding something, say 'mamadada'
  • 10 bulan - cruises, sippy cup, waves goodbye
  • 11 bulan - stands still, understands 'no'
  • 12 bulan - Takes a few steps with help, says 'ayah',
  • 1 tahun 1 bulan - Clearly says 'car, cat, bird, duck, touch, taste, moon, star bla bla', eats with fingers
  • 1 tahun 2 bulan - Walk alone, Got 12 tooth, 10++kg, shown his temper tantrums when frustrated, responds to instructions (e.g., "sayang ibu")
  • 1 tahun 3 bulan - Bends over and picks up an object, holds out arm or leg to help you dress him, plays with ball, kicks ball forward, walks backward, turns the pages of a book, uses spoon or fork, tiru aksi orang dewasa (e.g., the telephone), likes riding toys
  • 1 tahun 4 bulan - says ' ibu', 14 tooth.. 10.7 kg.. Naik 100gram aje (compare to last month), becomes attached to a soft toy or other object (suka peluk2 bantal n bear), throws/passing a ball with a friend
  • 1 tahun 5 bulan- "Helps" around the house, gets finicky about food, bends over and picks up an object, holds out arm or leg to help you dress him, uses two words skillfully (e.g: "bye"), empties containers of contents, eats with fingers, imitates others, toddles well, responds to instructions (e.g: "give me a kiss"), matches lids with appropriate containers, turns the pages of a book, has temper tantrums when frustrated, becomes attached to a soft toy or other object, discovers the joy of climbing, switches from two naps to one, likes riding toys, brushes teeth with help, takes toys apart and puts them back together, understands words or orders, aware when something is wrongdoing by him, names simple picture in a book, dah pandai lari laju sket..
  • 1 tahun 6 bulan - dries own hands after washes without help, closes doors, speaks more clearly, choose own clothes, dances to music, sings simple tunes (Tik tok tik tok, where r u..), will "read" board books on his own, points to picture or object when you call it by name, can walk up and walk down stairs with close supervision, able to set simple goals (e.g., deciding to put a toy in a certain place), follows two-step requests (e.g., "Get your bottle and bring it here").. kuat ngigau masa tido, so 'manja' with his ayah, get excited when saw busses n lorries but can't differentiate it, eat less, luv meats.. dah pandai request nk pakai kasut bila nk kuar rumah, tak suka pijak lantai/tanah..  Says 'eiiyek' .. Raya dis year, dah pandai jalan n makan.. Hooray.. :)