Thursday, September 30, 2010

Detik Itu II

1 tahun 6 bulan - dries own hands after washes without help, closes doors, speaks more clearly, choose own clothes, dances to music, sings simple tunes (Tik tok tik tok, where r u..), will "read" board books on his own, points to picture or object when you call it by name, can walk up and walk down stairs with close supervision, able to set simple goals (e.g., deciding to put a toy in a certain place), follows two-step requests (e.g., "Get your bottle and bring it here").. kuat ngigau masa tido, so 'manja' with his ayah, get excited when saw busses n lorries but can't differentiate it yet, eat less, play more, luv meats.. dah pandai request nk pakai kasut bila nk kuar rumah, tak suka pijak lantai/tanah.. Says 'eiiyek' .. Raya dis year, dah pandai jalan n makan.. Hooray.. :)

Update @ 30 Sept: Say bye2 everytime naik keta, tinggalkan sesuatu ruang or bile abis wat ssuatu aktiviti.. After raya, liat nk duduk dlm car seat -- penangan dilayan bagai 'raja' kat kampung, 'play' organ, 'phopho' right after u change his diaper -- peel masa baby, play hide n seek bila nk pakai diaper n baju, request nk pakai perfume everytime kami nk p kilija/ jalan-jalan, love to stealing other people pillow, get mad when u scold him n he fight u back -- anak jantan. 'help' me to touch a security card at the boom gate.. he has his own card.. luv to gigit puting/pacifier  -- so far more than 10 is gone forever.. lost his body weight -- 1/2 kg.. luv tembikai sooo much.. suka gigit ayah dia sampai lebam/luka.. enjoy buat bunyi mlli hidung --- first time dengor, ingat kena selesema.. routine baru : suka lepak2 depan rumah..

Try sling @ Putrajaya Night Market
Malam Raya 2010

Teman ibu buka posa @ McD -- Muka kepedasan makan sos cili